In addition to Andela, this Forbes list of ten innovative companies improving lives features the likes of TOMS Shoes and GoFundMe. The article notes how Andela has successfully...
20 May, 2019
As reported in TechCrunch, Oradian has raised seed funding from multiple sources, including AAN. Oradian is a Croatia-based startup that provides software as a service to...
19 May, 2019
This article on Moneyweb Today discusses how difficult it is to fund one's idea. Quoted in the article, Prinesh Naidoo of Geco remarks that AAN's assistance early on helped get their...
16 May, 2019
As described in this profile piece by Real Leaders, leather and pride come together in Ethiopia to produce Enzi Footwear's luxury shoes.
12 May, 2019
Fast Company's "Most Creative People in Business 2015" is a prestigious group. Sitting among them is Andela's CEO, Jeremy Johnson, listed as number 40 for "helping students get...
08 May, 2019
Local content hosting could save Africa millions of dollars. While web content producers may save a small amount of money by hosting their content abroad, this increases costs for local internet service providers while diminishing user experiences....
06 May, 2019
SweepSouth has swept together funding from a range of investors, including from AAN. The company, which provides a platform that allows people to book home cleaning services...
30 April, 2019
Only one week after launching in Kenya, Andela has received over 1,000 applicants. Andela is a talent accelerator that trains young Africans in programming and connects them to global tech...